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WCC Event Questions & Answers

As participants in this years’ event, you and your angling partners could be our next Champions of the World Carp Classic. Read carefully following Q&A and raise any queries you have prior to peg draw.

Official language of the event is English so we invite you all in the first instance to use Google Translate if required – this feature is available on each website page at the top right.


Competitors’ pets are no longer allowed.

Visitors are welcome between 10:00 am to 18:00 pm daily on the mainland.
No visitors are allowed on big and small islands as well as on the Darkside/Gargantua.

Ensure you have all you need in case you draw a peg on the main island as there will be restricted passages.


Weather dependent we will run two to three runs in between the mainland and the big island.

Priority to be given in this order: WCC logistics, WCC Media, other media (need to book), competitors/helpers (need to book). Be on time or miss your turn!! No crossings are allowed for any visitors.

We recommend anglers take plenty of non-perishable supplies in the event they draw a peg on any of the islands and on swims with no easy access.


Are boats needed everywhere on the lake?
No boat are not required but you may find it beneficial to have one. Note that boats are used at competitors’ own risk.
If a rental boat is required, we strongly advise you to arrange this before arrival at the event. The organisers do not accept any responsibility for the provision of rental boats.

Use of boat during the competition?
Please refer yourself to the use of boat rules. Note that only boats fit for fishing are allowed and must be between 2.3 meter and 5 meters and have a minimum of two air chambers.

Battery recharge?
Such service is not available on-site. We would strongly advise therefore that you make arrangements prior to your arrival on-site.


World Carp Classic requires the use of a lifejacket of a minimum of 100N which also has an attached whistle and luminous stick/lamp (EN395 / ISO12402-4) – A flotation device that is designed to keep a person afloat with their airway clear of the water in sheltered and inshore waters.
In addition, one angler (never a helper) must be awake on the bank while a boat is afloat ready to give the alert should this be required.


Space between swims?
It depends on the location of the section and location of the swim but great care has been taken to ensure that all competitors will have swims that are accessible and competitive. It should be noted that the majority of the swims are open exclusively for the event. The placement of bivvys and camps needs to be done respecting the surroundings and local environment.

Are there going to be any muddy/wet areas?
There could be some areas that will be muddy/wet, so you should be prepared for this eventuality.

Are there areas that are going to be rocky?
Yes and it is important that you prepare both fishing and bivvy equipment that is suitable for the conditions.

Access to swims
Assistance will be provided by organisers when required. Competitors to follow parking instructions.


Angling Spirit with “Friends Of” Lac de Madine aims to keep the lake clean.

  • Limit the use of glass bottles by the banks and dispose of them appropriately.
  • At the end of the event, it is the competitors’ responsibility to bring ALL of their rubbish to the collection points.
  • Anglers are now to take a picture of their swim upon arrival and departure and provide a copy to local authorities along with the bait survey pictures. Please ensure that it is left in pristine condition, you will be held accountable if not.
  • If competitors leave rubbish behind them, they will be fined and banned from re-entering any Angling Spirit events until the fine has been paid to the venue.

An important reminder from local authorities:
* No bait should be left on the swim, thrown into the lake, or in the container bins at the end of the competition. All unused and unwanted bait MUST BE returned to the designated area by the stage.

New: We will now have a line collection bin at the end of the competition by the stage. We thank you in advance for disposing of your lines appropriately.


All offences to the rules will be sanctioned by a Penalty accompanied or not by a Yellow Card (see rules for details).
M03- Penalties can be: a strict fishing ban up to 24 hours or ban from use of boat up to 24 hours.
M06- All penalties and Cards to be published on-line and explained

Most common offences:

  • Rudeness to a World Carp Classic Official/fellow competitor
  • Rule C03- NO baiting up, feature finding or any other boating activities or lines in the water may take place until the rocket has signalled the start of the competition.”
  • Life jacket not worn while afloat – Also applies if life jacket is not fastened properly
  • If one competing angler is not present/not awake on the bank while partner(s) are afloat. A Helper cannot replace an angler for this.
  • Exceeding on the 350 meters limit from shore – we have range finders to verify distance accurately.
  • If more than 4 persons are bivvying on the swim between the hours of 20:00 pm and 10:00 am – ask Officials where
  • Making an open fire while on the bank – Local rule which could also see you being fined heavily
  • Last but not least if swims are left with rubbish of any sort

Yellow cards can be issued by Marshals but Penalty, Disqualification and Ban can only be issued by Head Marshal whose decision is final.

COVID-19 - Not currently in place but could be reinstated at any moment at the request of French authorities

COVID-19 measures applied in the past that could be reinstated at short notice at the request of French authorities.
In brief, the measures are:
Health Pass for all attending World Carp Classic competitors including Helpers, WCC Crew members & even visitors
People using the negative PCR 72 hours scheme will have to follow a strict procedure to ensure they can remain onsite.
Sadly if rules set out by organisers which have been approved by local authorities are not followed will entail an immediate disqualification of the individual or full entry linked to the individual depending on the circumstances.

Only Type II masks are allowed and must be worn by all at all times indoors and outdoors throughout the competition every time you are in contact with others outside of your COVID-19 bubble.
Competitors must have their own type II masks and alcohol sanitiser (70%).

Anglers to await marshals’ direction before setting camp

Read participant’s pack with great attention. Masks must be worn by all at all times indoors and outdoors throughout the competition every time you are in contact with others outside of your COVID-19 bubble.

Anglers must load their boats by themselves – no assistance will be provided by marshals/helpers.

By respecting social distancing, wearing your mask and following marshals’ instructions.

Anglers not following COVID-19 may face immediate disqualification and will be asked to leave the site immediately.

Important Rules to Remember

D03- The competition placing’s will be determined by the cumulative weight of the 3 biggest carp caught per Pair/Trio, with the Pair/Trio having the greatest combined weight being declared the winners.

D04- If the total weight is tied, the pair/trio catching the biggest fish on countback of the three scoring fish will be declared the winner – if there is still a tie, the time of the first officially recorded of the three fish that count irrespective of its weight will be declared the winner. Ultimately if there is still a tie, the time of the three fish on a countback basis will be applied.

Important rule notice Competitors after having their first three fish being recorded by an event marshall are allowed to weigh new catches on their own equipment. If they feel the fish is of greater weight than their three recorded fish, they then need to make a contact with Event Marshals and proceed with the normal Catch Record procedure to ensure the fish is officially recorded.

Official Picture Rules

G07- Competitors to check the following official pictures are being taken by Marshals – we strongly advise competitors to do the same for their own record
* Picture of the Official Catch Board on its own
* Picture of competitor holding the fish showing its left flank along with Official Catch Board with Peg Board in sight (fish head in competitor right hand).

Section M – Yellow / Red Cards, Penalties, Disqualification and Ban

M01- Any offence committed during the competition including Registration Weekend and state of swim at the end of event will carry a penalty sanction with or without a Yellow Card.
M02- Marshals are allowed to issue Yellow Cards but penalties, confirmation of Red Card, disqualification and ban can only be issued by the Head Marshal and at his sole discretion
M03- Penalties can be: a strict fishing ban up to 24 hours or ban from use of boat up to 24 hours.
M04- A second Yellow Card confirmed by the Head Marshal automatically confirms Red Card status and immediate disqualification from the event. Competitors are then asked to leave the competition site immediately.
M05- Depending on seriousness of offences which have lead to a Red Card & Disqualification, Head Marshal and at his sole discretion can add a ban ranging from 1 to 3 years but if necessary can be extended it to a life-ban.
M06- All penalties and Cards to be published on-line and explained.

Section N – Local rules 
N13- World Carp Classic is also run abiding by local rules. It is the responsibility of all anglers to read, understand and abide by those:

* Nature quiet zones: these must be respected at all times. Water police to conduct spot checks including with the use of drones and they have the right to fine and confiscate gear.
Bait daily usage: anglers to comply with local authorities’ requests for daily bait usage. No compliance will result in penalties including up to exclusion from the competition as the event is now granted the right to operate only if the information is being provided as honestly as possible.
* Sacking carp at night: (Local Rule 14 ) Carp cannot be kept in captivity or transported during night fishing legal hours, i.e. half an hour after sunset until half an hour before sunrise.

Leaderboard Up-Date

Marshal Official Catch Sheet remains the Official document by which the competition is being run but in order to provide constant up-date to the Leaderboard, each section on an established rota will send pictures of their catch sheet which is then matched to data already sent to the system including pictures.

Each time a fish is PRE CONFIRMED the leaderboard is automatically updated!! A full re-check will be undertaken each time Official Marshal Catch Sheets are returned to the Official Event Results Desk.

Make sure to bookmark the WCC Live center page to follow the event as it happens