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WCC Press Cuttings

For your convenience, we have started to organise the press cuttings in three different ways. This is a huge undertaking so bookmark this page and re-visit to see all new updates.

Press cuttings in PDF format – just click any pictures below to find all articles published in each year.

Press cuttings index – Simply navigate the spreadsheet located at the bottom of the page to access the comprehensive list of available press cuttings. Each entry on the spreadsheet is available as a PDF. Additionally, we have included links for the press cuttings that are still accessible online.

Flipboard table – to enhance your experience we are flipping all press cuttings. There you can leave a comment as well as share a particular press release easily.

Thank you in advance for utilising the form to share any press articles published online or in print that are not listed on this page. Your contribution is greatly appreciated

Submit a press article

1998 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC98 history-press cuttings

1999 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC00 history-press cuttings

2000 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC01 history-press cuttings

2001 - Lac Amance

600x400 WCC03 history-press cuttings

2003 - Lac Amance
5th Anniversary

600x400 WCC04 history-press cuttings

2004 - Lac Amance

600x400 WCC05 history-press cuttings.jpg

2005 - Lac Amance

600x400-WCC06-press cuttings

2006 - Foret d'Orient

600x400 WCC07 history-press cuttings

2007 - Foret d'Orient

600x400 WCC08 history-press cuttings.jpg

2008 - Lac de Madine
10th Anniversary

600x400 WCC09 history-press cuttings

2009 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC10 history-press cuttings

2010 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC11 history-press cuttings

2011 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC12 history-press cuttings

2012 - Lago di Bolsena

600x400 WCC13 history-press cuttings

2013 - Lago di Bolsena
15th Anniversary

600x400 WCC14 history-press cuttings

2014 - Lago di Bolsena

600x400 WCC15 history-press cuttings

2015 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC16 history-press cuttings

2016 - Lake Novomlynska

600x400 WCC17 history-press cuttings

2017 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC18 history-press cuttings

2018 - Lac de Madine
20th Anniversary

600x400 WCC19 history-press cuttings

2019 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC20 history-press cuttings

2020 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC21 history-press cuttings

2021 - Lac de Madine

600x400 WCC22 history-press cuttings

2022 - Lac de Madine