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SECTION SPONSORSHIP - maximum of 10 sections
Package in cash
Prizes in RRP* value - £2,000 allocated to section winners
Marshals ambassadorship products
30 pax
30 pax
30 pax
EVENT ACCESS subject to availability at the time of agreement
Entry - £22501 at cost2 at cost2 at cost
Team Entry - £500at costat costcomplimentary
Sponsor Link - £300complimentarycomplimentarycomplimentary
Press Release to media database
Online announcement
Online posts as a minimum1 post/3 months1 post/2 months1 post/month
Live chat shows - number of invites as guest speaker112
Website Homepage - Section banner logo & link✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Website Official list ad campain - 30 days✘[R]✘[R]1
Website Sponsor page - logo & link✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Dedicated logo presence - Official banner/Official Map/peg board/catch board ✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Other Event documents - where relevant✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Event backdrop - positionoutsidemiddleinside
Sponsor's banners51015 - 2 by the stage
Sponsor's stand3x33x33x6
Products in welcome bags✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Onsite video - interviewRecordedLiveLive including product review
Online posts provided by sponsors123
Stage presence at prize giving✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Trophies - dedicated logo presence✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Name association with winners - where relevant & no limit in time✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Name association with catches - where relevant & no limit in time✔[G]✔[G]✔[G]
Online prize post - level1 on the day - level2 within 48 hours - level3 within 72 hoursLevel 3Level 2Level 1